Sapere Aude


自古留學多寂寞,且與窮困共蹉跎。 兩田車1猶在,保時捷2作古。 不知她哭還是你苦

蓋留洋者, 或曰天龍人3, 或曰挂壁4. 挂壁者, 勉强度日嵗無餘糧之謂也. 須以奇婬巧計謀. 洋人有集折扣資訊之名錄, 時查之, 每有裨益, 今錄一則.

人多以物廉為美, 而捨物之優劣, 用之短長. 逢洋人之辯, 假以矯之. 論者甚眾, 惟取其三. 雖各有出据, 然高下立判耳.

Lauren Ralph Lauren Men's Classic-Fit Sport Coats for 60 dollars

考究:SF-Ralph Lauren lines, and 'who makes what' - a definitive guide - Style Forum

大師:I guess everyone prefers Wool suit, I have several, but do you really think this GenZ crap knows what wool looks and feel like, I guess this Polyester Junk is for this current Generation, and they are cheap for a reason, I don't believe a wool suit or even jacket comes in $60.

宵小:But why does anybody buy brands? -Symbol of pride? show your wallet size? Impress somebody? After all, by buying brands, you're just a "walking self-paid inflated billboards" for their brand. Having said that- why do you even compare the quality of brands? Buying mass produced factory line of products is to save money!!!

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