Sapere Aude

Microhard WinOS [Version 0.0.1]
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[2024-05-14] 歌手2024:唱功并不是最大的差距? @叨叨冯聊音乐

[2024-03-15] #HappyPiDay And as any Mathematician knows, Pi are not round, Pi R squared. -- twi: Neil DeGrass Tyson

[2024-01-24] Per Focus Taiwan, Chinese journalist Zhian Wang(王志安) has been banned from entering Taiwan for tourism purpose for five years because he breached the terms of his tourism visa by appearing on "The Night Night Show with Hello.".

[2024-01-08] Over the weekend, a Taiwanese friend told us a funny but true story: in Taiwan, coconut-flavored corn crisps are considered a good luck charm that ensures the cooperation of high-tech machines. Here's a related report from BBC

[2024-01-04] OK Apple fixed the bug I mentioned in the previous message

[2023-12-31] I just realized that my iPhone 11 won't work with FaceID after updating to iOS 17 beta... What the F**k, Apple Inc.

[2023-12-29] I've been a dedicated follower of the video creator ⌈三宋在这⌋ on the video-sharing platform BiliBili for quite some time. Yesterday, I was deeply moved by his latest wedding video. The heartfelt speech from his wife resonated profoundly with me. While their DIY wedding might not have been extravagant, it undeniably left an indelible mark on the hearts of the two main protagonists - the bride and groom - who bravely opted for a departure from the conventional, parent-driven Chinese wedding ceremony. I genuinely wish them a lifetime of happiness together.

P.S. While many videos on BiliBili strive for technical excellence ——capturing breathtaking landscapes, selecting optimal filming angles, employing top-tier editing, and crafting captivating voice-overs——sometimes these elements can result in aesthetic saturation. However, ⌈三宋在这⌋'s videos have illuminated for me the paramount importance of the narrative beneath the visuals and the audacity to defy convention.

[2023-12-16] ⌈啥是city walk? 就是在城市里溜达, 街溜子⌋ -- X博士: city walk就是消费触底

[2023-12-04] Taiwan's famed band Mayday(五月天) has been accused of lip-synching at a recent concert.

[2023-11-24] Spending the entire day watching Netflix TV series ⌈Blue eye samurai⌋ ...

[2023-11-23] Every Thanksgiving since I met my local American friend, Brent, I get an invitation from his family. After the meal, we usually play a dice game, Yahtzee. This year, I got 5 Yahtzee in the second round of the game, which is an incredible achievement 🏆

[2023-11-22] Black Friday in the year of 2023:

 1. Bose QC 45;
 2. Kiehl's face cleanser;
 3. Kiehl's hand cream;
 4. Uniqlo pants;
 5. Levi's T-shirt;

[2023-11-21] I've recently become obsessed with singer Tsai Chin. Every time I listen to her, I'm instantly immersed in the story of the song or the memory that's being evoked🙂